Tuesday, September 8, 2009

OK, so I don't want this to become a blog about the boring randomness that is my life (seriously) but this post, alas will probably be more random thoughts and facts.
Today is Andrew and mine's one month wedding anniversary. So sorry all you who had your money on us not lasting this long...you just lost! =) Though we've had our issues, I love this guy more than even I understand (and I'm pretty smart, too). We celebrated by, well, doing nothing because we have a baby lol and I have a cold. Sad day for us. We'll live though, I'm sure.
Hayden also has a cold. And cutting a tooth. So needless to say, this has not been one of his happier days. I feel bad for the kid, because he just doesn't understand that all my snuggles and kisses are the only thing I can do to help him feel better.
Our Cloth diapers are in transit. Speaking of cloth diapers, check out these: http://guerillahandbags.blogspot.com/2009/09/spread-word-win-some-stuff.html we are making the big switch soon and these are soooo cute! Makes me want to start trying for our girl right now just so I can use these diapers! lol I figure even with just two babies, the savings will be monumentous, plus it's a lot less gross to wash dirty diapers than to think about them rotting in a landfill and possibly contaminating the groundwater that my babies will one day be drinking. =( And they're just too cute! lol
I think that's all I have for now. Gonna take some nyquil and pass out. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Well, this is it...

Well, it's almost 3 months in and I have managed to keep both my son and myself alive and in relatively well condition (him better than me lol). Right now here's what's going on:

*Hayden is growing and growing, talking and looking around, holding his head up and cutting a freaking tooth!
*I'm back in school 2 days a week...only 2 semesters and 13 weeks of this one left to go!!!
*Andrew is working fulltime at the detox center here. He likes it, but is hard with his foot being hurt right now. He's supposed to start PT sometime soon.
*We are in the process of switching to cloth diapers. I've ordered a trial package to find out which kinds work best for us. Fingers crossed it sticks!
*I'm still attempting to build up my photography portfolio, so if you know anyone looking for cheap (or free for now) photography, please let me know!! =)
*I'm also working on a big change for Hayden and myself, a secret one right now, but a big one nonetheless. I'll let you know if it works out. I sure hope so. I feel it is so right for us...

Well bedtime now, thanks for reading =)